Sunday, 14 October 2012

Perfume-Celebrity Perfume-Katy Perry-Meow

Meow by Katy Perry is like a younger, sunnier, more cotton-candy-pink-fluffy version of Purr to me.
The beginning is quite like sugar, as if you were inhaling some fairy floss, plus a bit vaguely creamy/vanilla-y undertone. Somehow, it’s like its predecessor Purr without the fresh bamboo note.

Then Meow by Katy Perry develops in a rather linear fashion, it just gets closer to the skin and the creaminess and candy sweet simply become better mixed instead of a bit oddly out there by themselves.
The dry down of Meow reminiscent Purr a lot, but it is sweeter and with more of a dominant fairy floss scent effect.

If you want something really fairy-floss sweet, but find Britney Spears’ Fantasy or Aquolina's Pink Sugar a bit too overwhelming or headache-inducing, while Demeter’s Cotton Candy a bit too weak, then…give Meow by Katy Perry a go, it might be the perfect balance of the kind of sweetness you are looking for.

Personally, I like Purr and Meow both, judging them as celebrity scents, they both surprised me positively. However, I wouldn't actively buying any of them for myself, just because I want my fume to be a bit more than just sweet, girly, cute, or edible, to be that’s where things went wrong in this modern society with regards to how a girl should smell like, I’ll throw in my 2cents about it in a different post later. Well, if you were tossing in between these two Katy Perry scents (Meow and Purr), my vote goes for Purr tho, simply because it has slightly more depth to it than Meow.

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